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儒行天弈精品推荐 ---大日本币明治二十年

时间:2021-03-20 16:38来源:未知 作者:开钫 点击:


In the first year of Meiji, Japan bought a complete set of coin machines (British machines, and the first set of Hong Kong coins were coined in Hong Kong from 1866 to 1868), and a National Mint was established in Osaka. In the three years of Meiji, the Mint was completed and the silver coins were immediately opened. The "round" was regarded as the standard currency of Japan, namely, the system of silver standard was adopted. The Japanese first coined the silver yuan, which meant to expel the local, eagle and unified currency which was widely spread in Japan at that time.


Later, from the 11th to the 30th year of Meiji, the casting quantity of Longyang gradually increased, and entered the era of Japanese Longyang. Compared with Japan's trade silver dollar, Japan's Yuanlong silver dollar is one of the few and rare foreign silver dollars flowing into China in modern times. It is also called Japan's yuanlongyang in China because of the flying dragon pattern on the coin surface.


Japan's "Longyang" was called "Yinyang" in China in the early years. In fact, it is a kind of abbreviation of foreign commercial silver coin among Chinese people. As early as the middle of Ming Dynasty, Spain had already made "native foreign" silver coins (commonly known as "Shuangzhu") in Mexico. During the reign of Qianlong and Jiaqing in Qing Dynasty, China's foreign trade became increasingly prosperous, and the types of silver coins flowing into China from foreign countries also increased.


Japanese "Longyang" has five specifications, namely Wuqian (1.25g), Shiqian (2.7g), 20qian (5.39g), 50qian (10.13g and 13.48g) and Yiyuan (26.96g). The Japanese "Longyang" design is unique and the foundry is exquisite. According to the different publishing years of "Longyang" in Japan, it can be divided into many formats. Taking Yiyuan "Longyang" as an example, there are dozens of formats from the third year of Meiji to the 45th year of Meiji.

此枚大日本明治二十年一圆银币正面图案为汉字“一圆”,上方为太阳图案,周围以樱花枝叶环绕,下部图案为绸带扎成的同心结;背面为圈珠环绕的飞龙戏珠图案,龙外圈珠,珠外有“大日本,明治二十年”和“416 ONE YEN 900”字样。其制作精美,图案考究,文字清秀,内容丰富,银光灿烂,其貌可人。此枚大日本明治银币虽经历了无穷岁月,但纹路依然清晰可见,上面的迹象也见证了其历史的积淀,具有非常明显的历史过渡性特征,有着难以言喻的收藏价值。

A twenty-year round silver coin in Meiji, Japan, has a Chinese character "one circle" on the front, a sun pattern on the top, a concentric knot surrounded by cherry blossoms, and a silk ribbon on the lower part. Outside the beads are "Big Japan, Meiji 20 years" and "416 ONE YEN 900". Its exquisite production, elegant design, elegant text, rich content, brilliant silver, its appearance. Although the Meiji silver coin of Japan has gone through endless years, the grain is still clearly visible, and the signs above also witness its historical accumulation, which has very obvious historical transitional characteristics and indescribable collection value.


Coin is an important part of a country's history, and occupies an important position in the history of coins in its specific historical period. It not only represents the monetary culture of modern Japan, but also reflects the rise and fall of modern history and economy and the vicissitudes of life. It has high artistic ornamental value and cultural relic value.


This collection will be unveiled at the Dubai auction in 2021, and the major media will be favored by the majority of collectors and will become a hot collection of this auction!



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